Messages from the Dream Temples of Asclepius, Greece.

Deck: The Time Traveler's Oracle
Author: Denise Linn
Artist: Scott Breidenthal
Publisher: Hay House
We make our way to Greece in the early 4th century (b.c.e.), aligning near one of the healing temples of the god Asclepius. As we walk through the pillars at the entrance. an acolyte greets us, dressed in white garments. We're told that this healing sanctuary is a place where the injured and ill come to seek restorative energy. The god Asclepius comes to people in their dreams to offer advice and therapeutic healing.
A night spent in one of the sanctuary's sacred buildings (abadon) sounds like a wonderful idea to us. We come across temple snakes here, and amazingly we're not afraid. In fact, these snakes become symbols of rejuvenation and medicine worldwide, forming the basis of both the caduceus and rod of Asclepius, the insignia for doctors.
We wake up the next morning feeling clear and focused. Neither of us can remember what happened, but we agree that something shifted in the night. we feel renewed!
The Time Traveler's Message
Beneath the surface of your life, profound healing is occurring. things in your life are being resolved. trust that you are being guided as a natural healer. Know that everything in nature has the intrinsic ability to restore itself. You're part of nature, so you too have this innate ability. remarkable healing is surging through every cell in your body and your life.
Listen with your heart and act on your instincts. Have faith that all is well. Watch your dreams for the secret messages that are there for you--and, if you are open to it, healing. Look for signs in your life. If you feel drawn to go in a particular way, even if it doesn't make sense to your mind, trust this feeling. In the past, following your hunches may have led you astray, but please do not let that keep you from trusting your intuition now. Often, with the perspective of time, the things that once seemed like mistakes can be viewed as having happened for your highest good and your healing.
About The Time Traveler's Oracle - by Denise Linn - A mystical adventure through space and time awaits you with The Time Traveler’s Oracle. Each journey through this unique deck activates secret messages from the depths of your soul and the Universe, inviting profound, positive transformation. Stepping into the space-time continuum becomes an opportunity for spiritual growth, allowing you to travel not just to the past or future but also laterally, exploring different realms at different times. This sacred pilgrimage opens your mind to new perspectives, helping you see the world, the Universe, and yourself with deeper meaning and insight.
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